Call Us : (+65) 6291 0188
provides expert design, installation and servicing of all types of fire sprinkler systems
Fire Sprinkler System - Deluge System and Pre-action Sprinkler System.
Hose Reel System.
Dry and Wet Riser System.
Fire Alarm System. - Addressable, Conventional, Beam Detector, Linear Heat, Flame Detector.
Hydrant System.
Fire Extinguisher.
Kitchen Suppression System.
Fire sprinkler system is one of the active fire protection measure typically consisting of a water supply, a pre-designed system...
Hose reel system is intended for the occupant to use during the early stages of fire and comprises hose reel pumps, fire water tank, hose reels, pipe work and valves.
"Dry Riser" is a system of pipe work and valves that enables water to be delivered for firefighting purposes to all floors in buildings over 18 metres high.
Addressable fire alarm systems are comprehensive fire detection systems capable of pinpointing not only a zone within a building where a fire may be occurring, as a conventional fire alarm system would when a fire detector is activated
The fire hydrant system is the backbone of the firefighting systems in a building or premises. The system is a water distribution system consisting of water tank, suction piping, fire pumps and a distributed piping system.
Fire extinguisher are active devices to extinguish and control small fire in emergency situation. Fire extinguishers are installed at an easy accessible location in buildings.
FM-200 has established itself as one of the most popular clean fire suppression agents. This is due to its ability to quickly knock down fire with no risk of thermal shock damage to delicate equipment. FM-200 is electrically non-conductive and non-corrosive; it leaves no residue.
Fires in cooking equipment of commercial eating establishments can cause huge damage. Due to nature of cooking the threat of fire is always present in a restaurant.